Posted by Champaklal Dajibhai Mistry on May 23, 2007




(all the words in blue, bold & italics are sNskRUt language words and are explained in various archived articles and veda page and sNskRUt Glossary pages on this knowledge sharing web site...these sNskRUt words are very difficult to translate into one equivalent English words because the life concepts and processes of theses words are yet to be understood by the sciences of the English language world...  )

vED is the sNskRUt language name for the SCIENCES OF CREATION AND LIFE forgotten by humans but remembered by the human DNA and genes which make the human body function automatically 24/7...and keeps it functional based on the rules and regulations of DHARm-shaasTR (sciences of DHARm). DHARm is the life-force which provides sustenance for the existence of  humans..... 

In the study of vED  one comes across these factual st`y = TRUTHS constantly related to health and well-being of humans:

  • an aatmaa (soul) needs a body to travel to experience the universe created by pRkRUti (Nature) 
  • any trauma of pain and suffering, be it mental, physical or emotional, experienced by aat`maa embodied as above is exhibited as malfunction of the physical human body;
  • these 3 types of traumas could be caused one of the following causal types of pain sufferings or a combination of them and based on one's kARm in this life or kARm of any of previous life journeys in other body forms::
    • aDHiBHautik cause: pain and suffering caused by one's kARm which caused similar pain and suffering on life forms other than 330 million DEvo (life energy and forces) who are life-forces which exists in the bodies of all creations and make the bodies perfrom the functions of creation, sustenance and eternal cycles of re-creation; or  
    • aDHIDEEivik cause:  pain and suffering caused by the insults or slights or non-recognition or non-offering as required by vED rites and rituals to the 330 million DEvo mentioned above; or
    • aaDH`yaa`tmik cause: pain and suffering caused by the unbalancing of forces that makes an aatmaa lives in the body as a charioteer using the body as a chariot to travel in this bRHmaaND (universe) as an ultimate act of the ONE who is called  Creator bRH`m in vED* to be many infinite and to do   many infinite kARm, kRiyaa or kaaARy as per the sty-kaamnaa and sty-sNkl`pn of bRH`m......(* and by infinite names in all faiths and religions such as God, Creator and humans forms such as Christ, Yahweh, Mohamed of Abrahamic religions, Buddha, and millions of gods and goddesses of what is called Hindu religion.....(as pointed out by one of the PVAF vED students recently, please note the potential connection between the words Abrahamic and bRH`m !!!!)
  • aat`maa has the final control all the functions of a body it creates although on autopilot mode the 330 million DEvo controls the functions as per kARm theory and practice noted in the preceding fact....

Now finally the current science is on the point of starting to realize the TRUTH of the preceding knowledge extensively expounded in vED in the discovery of how various diseases function as they do to create pain and suffering and ultimately the end of a life-journey in a body we call DEATH......


Where can I go for help?

PVAF has posted recently many news item on this evolution of human understanding about human body in revelations of TRUTH about diseases such as CANCER, AIDS, ARTHRITIS, CARDIOVASCULAR INCLUDING HEART ATTACKS, AUTISM, NEUROLOGICAL SYSTEMS,....at the same time current science is also continually moving towards discovering the vEDik TRUTH about human body through the evolving understanding of GENOMES where every day brings a news that pervious day understanding about DNA and genes is wrong.....

Today PVAF publishes a news item on new understanding of DIABETES which is forecast to be the next life-style based pandemic...based on the fact that the more severely rich or poor you get the more chances that you would have to suffer from DIABETES....

Please click on the line outside the box to read the recently discovered TRUTH facts about DIABETES:

  • Long been accepted wisdom that Type 1 diabetes occurs after a severe miscue by the immune system causes insulin-producing cells in the pancreas to be destroyed is not the TRUTH....
  • Canadian-led research suggests immune cells aren't the only culprits in developing the disease - the nervous system also plays a pivotal role.
  • It has been now discovered that a control circuit exists between insulin-producing cells and their associated sensory, or pain-related, nerves.
  • It turns out that this control circuit is necessary to retain the health and normal function of islet cells.
  • such nerves and its control circuit are the same kind that signal the brain to send out pain messages when an ankle is broken or a finger is burned on a hot stove.
  • This discovery shows that the immune system is under much closer control by the nervous system than we thought, that this control to a large extent involves sensory nerves.
  • These nerve cells secrete a chemical called "substance P," which is known to amplify pain signals as well as boosting inflammation.
  • When the scientists knocked out specific pain-related nerve cells in newborn lab mice, the mice were "perfectly fine . . . except that instead of getting diabetes 90 per cent of the time, they got none or very little.
  • Not only did the lab mice not get diabetes, but their pancreas was clean - there was no inflammation, no nasties that make the disease in the pancreas....no DIABETES....
  • Simplistically put, a dysfunctional immune response is not the only thing needed to get diabetes - the nerve cells are also critical......

And as recent news has confirmed the health care systems have wasted billions of trillions dollars in asking diabetes patients to test their blood glucose so many times a day with each test strip costing about a dollar each....Would it have been easier to ask each diabetic to eliminate the life pain that is causing the diabetes...life pains explained in the left hand column of this news item 

After you read this entire news story....PVA F would like you to share your CRITICAL THINKING PROCESS  on the subject matter .....which would lead you automatically to deal with current science and its age-old resistance to enter the paradigm shift challenge of metaphysical understanding of humans and its existence in this universe....which was and is the fundamental foundation of traditional lifestyle of what we call these days aboriginal peoples of this planet earth... meaning peoples whose roots in a place of residence can be traced back to times immemorial - that is to say longer than of the peoples currently spearheading the development of current sciences in the last 500 years or so.....

And share away your CRITICAL THINKING as much as you wish by just clicking POST A COMMENT button in the header of this news item and/or emailing your writing to PVAF by clicking here

For any discussion and/or need for need for learning/sharing of vED knowledge please contact Champak Mistry directly whom PVAF thanks for providing this news item and many such knowledge sharing items to date with a sole purpose he simply describes as






Nervous system appears to play
key role in developing
Type 1 diabetes: study

Edmonton Journal: December 15, 2006: Toronto (Canadian Press) Sheryl Ubelacker

It's long been accepted wisdom that Type 1 diabetes occurs after a severe miscue by the immune system causes insulin-producing cells in the pancreas to be destroyed. Now Canadian-led research suggests immune cells aren't the only culprits in developing the disease - the nervous system also plays a pivotal role.

With Type 1 diabetes, the destruction of the islet cells in the pancreas leaves the body without insulin to regulate the metabolism of blood glucose, or sugar. The disease, which affects about 200,000 Canadians, can lead to severe complications even with daily insulin injections, including blindness, limb amputation and kidney failure.

In studies of laboratory mice specially bred to make them susceptible to Type 1 diabetes, researchers at the Hospital for Sick Children and the University of Calgary discovered that a control circuit exists between insulin-producing cells and their associated sensory, or pain-related, nerves.

It turns out that this control circuit is necessary to retain the health and normal function of islet cells, said principal investigator Dr. Michael Dosch, an immunologist at Sick Kids Hospital.

"What we really have discovered is that the immune system is under much closer control by the nervous system than we thought, that this control to a large extent involves sensory nerves," said Dosch, explaining that such nerves are the same kind that signal the brain to send out pain messages when an ankle is broken or a finger is burned on a hot stove.

As part of their studies, the scientists knocked out specific pain-related nerve cells in newborn lab mice. These nerve cells secrete a chemical called "substance P," which is known to amplify pain signals as well as boosting inflammation.

The mice were "perfectly fine . . . except that instead of getting diabetes 90 per cent (of the time), they got none or very little," said Dosch. "Not only did they not get diabetes, but their pancreas was clean - there was no inflammation, no nasties that make the disease in the pancreas."

"That was the real wow."

In other words, a dysfunctional immune response is not the only thing needed to get diabetes - the nerve cells are also critical, he said.

In another experiment, the researchers injected substance P into mice whose islet cells were already inflamed and on the way to being destroyed. By the next day, the inflammation in the animals' pancreatic islets had disappeared.

"That was our first shock. To make an islet clean that's fully inflamed, that's hard," said Dosch.

"The blood glucose normalizes overnight and it stays low for weeks to months - this is with a single shot," he enthused. "We now have four-month-old mice that are non-diabetic that used to be diabetic" - a period equivalent to six to eight years in humans.

While the team isn't about to start injecting humans with substance P, they are planning a study of people with a family history of type 1 diabetes to test for abnormalities in pain sensitivity, which could point to a higher risk for developing the disease.

Diabetics often suffer from peripheral neuropathy, a condition in the extremities experienced as numbness or as pain described as burning or "pins and needles." The research suggests that neuropathy is not merely a result of diabetes but could be related to the nervous system's role in the whole disease process, Dosch hypothesized.



The sensitivity study is just the first step, he said. "The ultimate goal is to see if substance P would work. If we find that indeed humans and (diabetes-prone) mice are comparable in this respect, then we will be very quick into clinical trials because it's not a toxic trial, it's easy to do."

"In families with the disease where we have good tools, we can identify kids that are at risk and are in progression to disease development. We could step in early and prevent the whole thing from going to completion into overt diabetes. And that would be a great thing."

Commenting on the paper, which appears in Friday's edition of the scientific journal Cell, immunologist Terry Delovitch said the work illustrates the importance of not viewing one system of the body in isolation.

"It's an excellent example of system biology, where different systems interact and cross-regulate each other's activity," said Delovitch, a specialist in the immune system and diabetes at the Robarts Research Institute.

"If you're a patient with diabetes, one of the last places to think of a possible cure to come from would be the nervous system," he said Thursday from London, Ont. "It provides now the hope to the population that a component of one system can bring a very positive, potentially preventive effect to a disease in the other system."

"And so new approaches for therapy are going to be even more abundant and provide more hope for treatment of these diseases."

In a commentary accompanying the study, Helene Bour-Jordan and Jeffrey Bluestone of the University of California, San Francisco, Diabetes Center, questioned the researchers' conclusion that the nervous system can alter inflammation and "indirectly affect" the development of autoimmunity.

"An equally plausible possibility is that an autoimmune component targeting the nervous system directly influences the development of autoreactive responses against pancreatic islets," they write, noting that additional studies are needed to confirm which system is the primary catalyst.

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© The Canadian Press 2006


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