VISHNU'S 7th AVATAAR: SHREE RAAM .. who is BRHMAH ...who is creating 1 KAROR RUPEES A YEAR GUJARAAT EDUCATION PROGRAM...serial Part 5-3 of 13
Posted by Champaklal Dajibhai Mistry on June 5, 2002

Prajaapati Vishva Aashram Foundation (PVAF) is steadily continuing with the primary mandate of : SPREAD KNOWLEDGE THROUGH EDUCATION. Education has many naam (names) and rup (forms). 

One of the naam and rup of education is PVAF's GUJARAAT EDUCATION PROGRAM. PVAF started in gujaraat with one university scholarship 2 years ago and now PVAF has granted a total of 3 4-year  university scholarships to needy students. Presently PVAF is setting up a 1 (ONE) KAROR RUPEES A YEAR GUJARAAT EDUCATION PROGRAM whereby needy students from kindergarten to university students will receive financial and mentoring help for a continual education FOR NEEDY STUDENTS AND FAMILIES who will bet profitable employment in the current and future market in gujaraat. 

The other naam and rup of education is PVAF's VED PROGRAM. ved is the comprehensive system of knowledge given to mankind by its Creator who has a name of BRHMAH.  A lot has been presented on this web site in ved. We have sanskrit glossary, ved pages of different aspects of knowledge, message board where many topics of ved can be discussed and knowledge shared...... Recently PVAF started a serial to learn about aadhyaatmaa, the science of aatmaa, our individual soul....through the study of vishnu-dev's das (ten) avataar.....which are so popular as historical anecdotes among vedik we continue with  Part 5-3 of 13 of this serial......

 shiv-dev continues his answer to his wife paarvati-devi: : 

"I shall tell to you a kathaa (historical anecdote) full of mystery about a sanvaad (discussion)  that took place between sitaa, raam and hanumaan. This knowledge in this kathaa provides a tool to attain moksa (liberation from sansaar of birth and death full of joys always followed by pain) " ...(from aadhyaatmaa raamaayan, Chapter 1, slok 25)...

.....and in the last serial sitaa-devi told us who she and raam is.....prakruti and brhmah respectively......and sitaa-devi said that everything in this creation is this part of the serial then we should familiarize with an overview of brhmah ......and as we travel together on this PVAF cyberspace we will learn the relation between brhmah, our aatmaa and prakruti.......

...please read Part 5-3 of 13 by clicking on the next line....... 

(All the sanskrit words in the write-ups on this web site are in italics. The meaning of these sanskrit words as transcribed in English language is being continually included in the Sanskrit Glossary on this web site. It is imperative to understand the full meanings of these sanskrit words in order to understand the teachings of ved. So please make an effort to visit the Sanskrit Glossary...the karma-phal will be eternal aanand (bliss) ). 


...........FROM AADHYAATMAA RAAMAAYAN...............

an overview of 

...........BRHMAH and primary forces of creation.....

brhmah is the name of the shakti (power) which is the root cause of this universe. brhmah is neither male or female or neuter. brhmah creates everything in this creation of  universes as per own self's satya-kaamnaa and satya-sankalpanaa. satya-kaamnaa is a desire or a wish which is for based on satya. To base anything on satya is to mean the purpose and intention of it is for the kalyaan (good and welfare) of others. satya based purpose and intention is also for performing  sevaa (service) to others. Similarly, satya-sankalpanaa is an imagination or a thought generated based on satya - for the kalyaan and sevaa of others. satya based activities are also nish-kaami, that is not for doers own benefit and not desiring any return or fruits of the activity for the doer. 

How does brhmah create? 

brhmah creates everything in this universe through his inherent shakti (power) called chaitanya (consciousness). chaitanya has two shaktio - gnan-shakti and kriyaa-shakti. gnan- shakti is the powers derived from gnan (knowledge). We all know the famous modern cliché: KNOWLEDGE IS POWERkriyaa-shakti is the power which creates action, motion and processes. Thus, chaitaniya empowers all creations with gnan-shakti and kriyaa-shakti

Without chaitanya any creation will be jad, meaning inert, immobile, inactive, dead, not living. 

In the creation process formula, brhmah exists as para-brhmah before any creation happens. In this para-brhmah state, diverse and different attributes and characteristics which we experience in the creation do not exist. There is only aanand (pure bliss) which is a state without opposites of joy and pain, without birth and death, without kaam (desires), krodh (anger), lobh (greed), moh (attachment to others), mada (passions of intoxications, joy, delight, attainment),  matsar (covetousness). The only one existing is para-brhmah, that is why para-brhmah is called sat meaning real and only existence. In para-brhmah exists chaitaniya which is also called chitt. para-brhmah is indescribable as it is infinite and immeasurable and unknowable. However, para-brhmah is described as sat-chit-aanand to describe the state in which para-brhmah exists. And sat-chit-aanand is also a synonym for para-brhmah

As everything we experience in this universe has its own special attributes and characteristics which makes it a distinct creation different from others. As para-brhmah has no attributes and characteristics it is called nirgun-brhmah. In the nirgun-brhmah state there is no manifestation meaning there is no universes as we know.

para-brhmah creates with chaitanya manifestations of the brhmah-self in the form of shursti (universes). Thus, as soon as the manifestation of the brhmah-self of nirgun-brhmah occurs, the self which is manifested is called sagun-brhmah. sagun-brhmah then creates with chaitaniya all the universes and everything in the universes that we know and do not know from huge galaxies that we are starting to know to the tiniest part of an atom called quark that we are struggling to know in recent times.  sagun-brhmah is what is referred to when the name brhmah is used. brhmah becomes substrate of every creation. That is brhmah is in everything or nothing exists without brhmah. 

sagun brhmah then manifests the self into the shakti with naam (name) and rup (form) called maha-maayaa or simply called maayaa. brhmah activates and animates this maayaa with chaitaniya. Without chaitaniya maayaa is jad meaning inactive or inanimate. Other synonym for maayaa is bhuneshvari. maayaa is described as brhmah's shakti which creates everything. This maayaa creates everything through its two shaktio - aavran and vikshep. maayaa creates multiplicity of brhmah with its vikshep shakti. maayaa also hides brhmah's presence as substratum or base of everything. This means because of aavran shakti every creation believes that it exists by itself only as an independent, self-sustaining unit of creation in this universe. maayaa also has three guno which are again shaktio of maayaa. The three guno of maayaa are: satva-gun, rajas-gun, and tamas-gun. satva-gun has the power of nourishing and sustaining what is created. rajas-gun has the power of creating creations and giving them their naam (names), rup (form) and shaktio (powers). And the tamas-gun has the power of ending the ordained life span of any creation by dissolving the creation back into the satva-gun. These 3 guno can exists in unity only as one entity called maayaa. None of the 3 guno can exist by itself or separately on its own. All the 3 guno exists in varying strengths in any creation. When the 3 guno becomes equal to each other the creation goes into an inactive state called pralay. The creation with 3 guno in perfect balance exists but is inactive or cannot act. 

It was indicated before that brhmah manifests the own self in many forms each having a  naam (name) and ruup (form). The naam and rup of satya gun as a shakti is vishnu-dev. The naam and rup of  rajas-gun as a shakti is brahmaa-dev. The naam and rup of tamas-gun as a shakti is shiv-dev. vishnu-dev was given the shakti called mahaa-laxmi or simply laxmi. brahmaa-dev was given the shakti called mahaa-sarasvati or simply sarasvati. shiv-dev was given the shakti called mahaa-kali or paarvati. Each one of the 3 guno performs its designated function in the creation through its individual shakti.

mahaa-maayaa then creates manifestations as directed by the satya-kaamnaa and satya-sankalpanaa of brhmah. In the process of creation mahaa-maayaa is also known as prakruti. All creations are born of prakruti which has three guno of maayaa. All creations are activated and animated by brhmah's chaitanya and possess 3 guno in varying proportions. prakruti is of two types: satva-prakruti in which satva-gun is predominant is known as maayaa and avidyaa is the prakruti of mixed guno where the 3-guno are of varying strength.

brhmah's chaitaniya also manifests itself as aatmaa (soul). aatmaa is the reflection of chaitaniya in prakruti. As an aatmaa is a reflection of chaitanya it has the same shakti of activating and animating prakruti's creations. All living beings have aatmaa. An aatmaa of a living being empowers all the functions of the living being. When brhmah's chaitaniya reflects in maayaa, the reflection  aatma is called ishvar. When brhmah's chaitaniya reflects in avidya, the reflection aatmaa is called jiv. The ishvar has predominant satva-gun and has all the attributes of brhmah such as omniscience, omnipotency, possessing all knowledge of brhmah and obliging to everybody without partiality. Whereas, jiv has all attributes of avidyaa which creates upaadhi or limitations of all the attributes of ishvar listed above. These limitations of jiv are called panch-kanchuk An aatmaa, as ishvar or jiv, journey's through the universal time cylce of creation and dissolution of creation in different naam and rup. Each journey of an aatmaa has a definite life span and has a definite naam and rup. A typical creation time cylce of many journeys for an aatmaa is a kalpa. A kalpa is a day or night of brahmaa-dev's life of 100 years. A kalpa or day or night is of 4.32 billion years. All creations are created and journeys through and with different naam and rup and with different life spans during brahmaa's day. At the end of brahmaa's day of 4.32 billion years, all creations are dissolved back into brahmaa-dev through a process called laya performed by shiv-dev. And they stay dissolved for 4.32 billion years old brahmaa's night. This period of dissolution is called pralay. This cycle of creation and pralay is repeated for 100 years of brahmaa's life when everything including brahmaa himself is dissolved into brhmah. This period of dissolution in brhmah is called mahaa-pralay or prakruti-pralay and last for 100 years of brahmaa's life after which creation cycles starts again. 100 years of brahmaa's life is 311 trillion and 40 billion years.    

So now we know that raam and sitaa were aatmaa journeying through the brahmaa's day we exist in the present kalpa.......               

At PVAF, we pray to bhagvaan to bless us to keep learning ved in the serial to appear in the days to come to namah shaanti shaanti tat sat........ 

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