Posted by Prajapati News Reporter on January 26, 2001

Shree Dalpatbhai Channabhai Mistry, who is visiting India from Toronto, Canada reported the following at 5.00 pm January 27, 2001 Gujarat time from Jhervavara, near Navasari, Gujarat:

Navasari: Houses collapsed with resulting fatalities. ‒ Bilimora: Houses collapsed with unknown fatalities. ‒ Karchelia: Houses collapsed with unknown damages.

If you have on-site reports from your anywhere in the earthquake area, please email your information to news@prajapati-samaj.ca or phone in the news to Canada: 780-462-8794. Prajapati Vishva Ashram will put the information on Ashram News board for the benefit of all the web site users.

Prajapati Vishva Ashram does not guarantee the accuracy of any earthquake news reported on this web site.

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