Posted by Vishva News Reporter on January 24, 2003

From GUINNESS WORLD RECORD......know the awesome creative power of creator bRHmH...compared to the BIG aHNkaar (EGO) of a human who does a little but thinks mighty....

Most Extracted Metal On Earth
In 1999, 521 million tonnes (512,771,586 tons) of iron were produced worldwide from the processing of mined iron ore.

Most Extracted Non-Metallic Element On Earth
In 1998, 350 million tonnes of hydrogen was extracted. Carbon was the next most extracted non-metallic element in 1998 - 16.2 million tonnes of the element were extracted.

Please continue your search for more knowledge about your home solar system by clicking on the next line....

Densest Planet: Earth
Earth is the densest planet, with an average density of 5.517 times that of water. Formed around 4.6 billion years ago, Earth is divided up into a solid iron core of iron and nickel and an outer core of liquid iron and nickel. Seventy-one per cent of its surface is covered with liquid water, a property unique in the Solar System.

Least Dense Planet; Saturn
The planet Saturn is composed mostly of hydrogen and helium, the two lightest elements in the universe. It has an average density of only 0.71 times that of water. As Saturn is actually less dense than water, it would float - were there an ocean large enough, which there isn't, of course! Saturn is sixth planet from the Sun and the second largest planet in the Solar System, after Jupiter.

Hottest Planet: Venus...After all it is a planet of goddess of love?
Venus has the hottest surface of any planet in the Solar System. Its sizzling heat soars up to 480°C (896°F), hot enough to melt lead. The heat is caused by the greenhouse effect where sunlight warms the planet's surface, with the resulting heat unable to escape because of the dense atmosphere of carbon dioxide. Scientists have battled for years to send probes onto this scorching planet, but the research environment has almost always proved too hot to handle! Venus is 108.2 million km from the Sun as against 92 million miles distance between earth and sun. Mercury, which orbits the Sun at a mean distance of 35.98  million has an orbital period of 87.9684 days.


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