Posted by Ashram News Reporter on August 22, 2003

In 1999 Prajaapati Vishva Aashram Foundation (PVAF) embarked on a path to empower the humankind to realize its most fundamental  dream: EVERY HUMAN HAVE PROGRESS AND PROSPERITY THROUGH EDUCATION.....

And PVAF GUJRAAT EDUCATION PROGRAM (PVAF GEP) was born as a small first fund needy students to pursue education from kindergarten to university.....with ultimate goal to get a good employment from the knowledge and skills received from the education....

Since 1999 to date PVAF has awarded 5 scholarships to needy students who will be able to complete their 4-year university degree in the state of Gujraat, bhaart (India)....degrees which will empower these financially strapped students and their families to change their existing generation to generation poverty into prospects for prosperous and progressive futures.....

In August 2003,  PVAF GEP scholar, SRii ASHWIN VINODBHAI MISTRY, realized the first goal of PVAF GEP:  Ashwin graduated with a Bachelor of Engineering Degree in Mechatronics from   BVM ELECTRONICS COLLEGE of VALLABH VIDYA NAGAR UNIVERSITY in Gujraat, bhaart (India)....

But Ashwin also has realized for PVAF GEP its second goal: Aswin has got a job within a few weeks of graduating......

Ashwin is from maliyaadhar in valsaad district in gujraat. The most credit for Ashwin becoming an engineer goes to his widowed mother who has worked extremely hard as a tailor to support her only son during his school and university days and also supported her husband through his fatal sickness for many years.

On this occasion PVAF prays for the fulfillment of all mnokaamnaa (needs, desires and wishes) of SRii Dineshbhai Jagjivanbhai Mistry of Golden, British Columbia, Canada who funded Ashwin's education needs. PVAF also wishes to commend PVAF GEP scholar Vipulkumar Ishwarlal Lad through whom Ashwin came to know about PVAF GEP. Vipul is presently continuing his 4-year degree course under PVAF GEP funding......   

PVAF will be posting a full biography of Ashwin soon....and also Ashwin has promised to keep all at PVAF posted about his progress in life and to keep his promise to participate in PVAF GEP as a volunteer leader too help his fellow students who are financially strapped but are pursuing education to break out of generation to generation poverty..... 

There are 1 additional comments.

#1 Posted by CD LAD on 8/22/2003
Congratulation Ashwin. Excellant effort by PVAF to provide the Scholar ship


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