Posted by Vishva News Reporter on September 23, 2004


From Canadian Globe & Mail: September 23, 2004:

The exercise involved in walking downhill leads to bigger improvements in the ability to metabolize sugar than walking uphill, according to a study presented at the conference of the European Society of Cardiology.

The research compared the effect of two kinds of muscle use: concentric (shortening to exert force) and eccentric (lengthening to resist a force). A downhill hike had a bigger effect -- a 25-per-cent change in glucose tolerance, compared with 9 per cent after a stint of uphill climbing, says The San Diego Union-Tribune.

"Frozen shoulder" is a condition in which a person's shoulder capsule becomes inflamed and restricts its range of motion. Its causes are not well understood, says The Wall Street Journal. Some 10 to 20 per cent of diabetics will get a frozen shoulder at some point. The condition largely afflicts women over 40.

To learn more about "frozen shoulder" please click on the next line.....


What is Frozen Shoulder Syndrome?

Frozen shoulder is a painful and debilitating condition of the shoulder. It is characterized by pain and stiffness of the shoulder. It is a clinical diagnosis and is only very rarely the result of an underlying pathology. Once it is cured it (almost) never comes back again.

Who gets it?

  • It affects between 2-5% of the population.

  • It is more common in women (60%)

  • It is five times more common in diabetics.

  • It seems to affects mainly 40-60+ year olds.

  • About 15% of people get it on both sides.

  • Symptoms lasts an average of thirty months

Key features of Frozen Shoulder Syndrome:

  1. Pain

    The pain of a frozen shoulder can be horrendous; I have known patients to be 10/10 on a pain scale. The following list might contain your symptoms:

    • Night pain, especially when lying on the affected side.

    • Sharp catching pain at the front of the shoulder, lasting up to 40 seconds. (Have to hold the shoulder tightly)

    • Pain from innocuous activity (out of proportion to the activity)

    • Putting on a coat

    • Pain brushing the hair

    • Pain and inability to do up bra

  2. Phases (Lasting an average of 30 months)

    It is classified into three phases:
    Freezing (1 - 8 months)
    Frozen (9 - 16 months)
    Thawing (12 - 40 months)

  3. Immobility

    • Many people are forced to give up work, due to pain and residual problems that commonly persist for many years

    • Inability to drive a car/lorry/truck

    • Personal hygiene can become problematic

  4. Risk factor

    • Occupation

    • Posture

    • Diabetes

  5. Causes of Frozen Shoulder Syndrome

    The causes of frozen shoulder (or Adhesive Capsulitis) are little understood. The condition is thought to stem from an injury to the shoulder (secondary), but often appears for no apparent reason (primary). There are however several theories:

    • Genetic - Several studies have indicated a genetic component for Frozen shoulder, for example, there have been cases where identical twins have suffered at the exact same time.

    • Autoimmune - There is a theory that the body mounts a rejection type reaction to damaged shoulder tendons, perceiving them to be foreign material.

    • Posture - The most convincing study yet has indicated that long-standing round-shouldered posture causes a shortening in one of the shoulder ligaments.

    • Hormonal - It occurs more commonly in females about the same time as the menopause. However, why should it affect men?






To learn more about "frozen shoulder" you may wish to visit the following web sites:


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